Monday the 21st of October 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be fear. I often fear the notion that I won't be able to commit to all of the connections that I in the scope of my life in general. I seem to have a lot of people that I've made connections with, and I seem
to have created enough responsibilities to the point in which I have to wrestle and I have to negotiate quite demandingly, actually. I have to negotiate my time and my resources to kind of like make time and kind of like creativity availability for all of these people that I That I hold dear to my heart I fear the notion of having too many
Options having too many possibilities so many possibilities in fact that I actually commit to none I have fear that my imagination is overactive and as a result of that it makes it very difficult for me to effectively launch forward in any consistent direction. I fear that my plans won't come to fruition, that I won't be able to effectively manifest the vision that I have in my mind on the basis that it is too different, that it is hasn't been done before or is being done differently, it kind of like deviates from the norm. Like fear in general is something that
is has become a an interesting focus of points and I want to be able to launch further into this kind of like theme and start to turn it into a subject so that I can begin to structure a lot of my reflections and a lot of my writing processes.