Okay, so Monday the 17th of June 2024 and there's a heel to every man. Like, you know the responsibilities or the perceived responsibilities like it's I find it really difficult to talk about the differences between genders and the differences between sexes because like as much as it
is very simple to understand that the foundational basis is like very easy to understand like when you actually kind of like dig deep and you start to kind of like look at
you know things like the nature nurture debate you start to kind of like hone in and you start to look at individual experiences like you know this thing is difficult to grasp like it is difficult to grapple and get your head around it's not something that you can learn in one lifetime if I'm being honest and when I'm saying you can't learn it I mean to say that you can't master it but okay I'm just gonna go with like what has been traditionally
recorded and what has been traditionally experienced right maybe that things might not be the same like now things might be very different now or slightly different now but the way that things were back then were right, man goes out to work and woman stays at home and looks after the kids. But I'm saying like you know, imagine, I'm basically saying that look like we're vulnerable as all hell and the reason why we're vulnerable is because like you know, if we're right at
the top and I hate to use the word top because I'm not trying to turn this into a hierarchy, I'm not trying to describe this as a hierarchy, there's a couple of issues with that model itself. But when you look at the man at the top, right, traditionally anyway, and you put different pressures like paying for the mortgage, going to work, still kind of like being sociable with your family by being a husband and being a father and stuff like that. There is a hill, there is a weakness there in the sense of like you are vulnerable because the pressure that you get
from work and the pressure that you get from home and then the pressure that you get just from society as a whole or at least the societal norms that makes you very vulnerable. So it's like it's one of those things where like you know it's very important that we look after our own health, it's very important that we look after ourselves because like you know if there ever comes a point in which we do have this pressure on our shoulders and we have to carry this on our backs for the rest of our lives until a certain point.
And it's not to say that it's always going to be difficult. Like sometimes it will be easier than others. It makes us very vulnerable. And I guess I just wanted to basically put that out there.