On my way to work this morning, as I was closing my car door, just as I was about to lock it I asked myself if I was at all bothered to drag my jacket over to work with me. I sat on that thought for a few moments before choosing to walk in the girlishly cold for about five minutes, only for me to think to myself “Oh, what a nice problem to have”.
This is a statement I’ve told myself a number of times when I realise that I actually have a handful of reasons to be grateful for the problems I have. I might risk making this a pretty short reflection, but the bottom line of it is this; if there was no escape from facing problems in life (which in my experience there isint), I would rather choose the problems I currently have as opposed to anybody else’s.
Whenever I think about a minor or major issue that I need to face, I always think about the issues I could be facing, like having to fetch a bucket of water five miles away from my home if I was situated in a third world country.
I do this and honestly within five minutes I find myself thankful that I don’t presently have to deal with anything worse. Right now for example, I’ve got 15 minutes before my shift at work is over, but I somehow need to format this reflection amongst three others so that everything can be in order for the next batch that I’ll need to write tomorrow in the morning.
It sounds like an anxiety inducing headache, but when I think about all that is presently wrong with the world, it’s really not the worst problem a man like me could have.