Okay, so Monday the 27th of May 2024 and I'm going to try and record this reflection without sneezing even though I must admit hay fever is definitely back in full effect. I'm just basically sneezing my way through the day. So what I wanted to talk about quickly, what is it that I
wanted to talk about? I wanted to talk about like, you know, okay, so basically this is what happened to me recently. I was just looking through my blog which I actually have available on my screen right
now and I just basically started looking back through the posts, looking back through the pictures, really paying attention to the detail and I was actually here because the reason that brought me here, the font on my website keeps on changing so slightly so it's an issue that I'm trying to concern myself with and I kind of like liking it with you know Kind of like being in a dark Garage kind of like when the light is kind of like switched on like the only light that is switched on is your lamp and you're busy working on this very specific part of a vehicle and it's like, you know, nobody can see like, you know
It's maybe after hours. Everybody's kind of like gone home and you know You're about to discover like this fault or you're about to discover this thing that you know was maybe wrong with a car and then you basically fix it and you get it right and it's like you're the only person there to just basically celebrate that moment and by the time the customer comes around the next day and gives you the money for the service like they're not even going to understand or appreciate you know not necessarily how
hard you've worked on you know kind of like getting this car fixed but just kind of like you know how you got it to basically work so brilliantly and you know how great it is that you know you know that you've not necessarily managed to get it to work but just how great the ingenuity of it is and you know I was kind of like in that state just looking at my work and recognizing and appreciating from a position of humility anyway like trying
to you know appreciate my work from a position of humility and just appreciating that it looks great by my standards it looks beautiful by my standards and yet like you know there's gonna be nobody like when I say there's going to be nobody like there's nobody around for me to share this moment with and you know it reminded me of this thing that I watched from this guy called the awakened you know the awakened artist and he said something along the lines of like you know for a very
long time this is going to be a thankless journey it really is going to be a thankless journey like I find it weird to look at my likes and comments right now on my website and see that there is absolutely nothing there and yet I'm still rabbiting on, I'm still kinda like you know making posts you know assuming, almost with the assumption or belief that there's like thousands of readers like dying to read my content
it's really you know for the first I mean I can't say how long for like you know because at the end of the day like how long is a piece of string but you know it's a thankless journey in the beginning it is definitely a thankless journey. There is nobody there to care or appreciate or value how hard you're working for one, but then two, you know, just how great your work is or how you're able to progress from one, you know, from one degree to another.
And that's all I really wanted to say, man. I really want to expand on this a little bit more. But so far, this has been my thoughts, really, like, hopefully I'll be able to, I want to be able to keep this energy up and come up with something that's just I want to start to now You know fine-tune my reflections and really start to like hone in on certain topics because I know that once I'm able to do that, I will be able to garner a significant degree of interest