I’m really beginning to get to the conclusion where I no longer see the point in ‘Hoping for the best’. Hear me out here because I’m not in saying I feel like life is no longer worth living, but I’m beginning to wonder whether building any sort of expectations for the future is actually healthy for strengthening ones character.
I can safely say I’ve got a bundle of things to be grateful for, but as of late things have NOT been going my way and It’s come to a point where I’m inclining myself to anticipate the next thing that’s about to go wrong as oppose to hoping the best of both scenarios.
I dunno but nowadays I just get this feeling that hoping for the best is like walking past a mugger in the hope they won’t drag you into an alleyway and rob you for every penny your working class ass is worth.
I’m beginning to hope rather, for the ability to navigate myself through these unexpected ups and downs because I’m coming to the conclusion that anything bad that can happen, might very well actually happen whether you hope for it or not. There’s no hoping ones way out of a situation that it was already written in the stars. If you’re day was gonna be screwed it was gonna be screwed from the get go, and the only thing you can control out of that situation is how you respond to it in the first place.
I’m getting better at applying this notion into my music career (because things go wrong ALL the time) but there’s always room for improvement in other aspects of my life. I want to get better at dealing with situations that don’t go my way, and I don’t think they rest on thoughts or words because when I really think about it, actions make the world go round.