Thursday the 19th of September 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be acceptance. So apart from the glitz and the glam, apart from the fame and the glory, apart from the wealth and success, one of the fundamental reasons why I've embarked on the
journey of becoming a rap artist is to effectively become accountable of my own actions. This might not be very easy for me to say, but effectively what it is that I'm trying to express is that I've made some mistakes in my life and ultimately I am paying for those mistakes and there is nobody
outside of me that I can hold accountable for that unless I am trying to effectively deny myself of the truth as a means of shielding myself from whatever it is that may be too uncomfortable to bear. That is what blame is. That is what the role of the victim is, the failure or the unwillingness or the inability in a very roundabout way of saying. That is what the role of the victim is, to effectively shift all accountability away from oneself. And I guess at this point,
it's the reason why I've become a rap artist is to effectively kind of like continuously dive deeper and deeper and deeper within to uncover the truth of all matters concerning with myself, concerning with oneself. I've come to the realization that
the reason why things are as hard as they are, whilst, you know, at the same time I can accept that things are hard for everybody the reason why things are hard as they are is because of me I have made the choices that I have made I have gotten myself to the point that I've gotten to and well
you know despite the fact that everybody else around me that there's so many people around there suffering, I am the person that is responsible for it. I have to find a way to accept that. I have to find a way to kind of like surpass that truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be to bear emotionally.
So with all of that being said, yeah, like I guess that's just basically me. I just have to learn how to accept and how to live with the consequences of my own actions.