Tuesday the 9th of July 2024 and the theme of today's reflection is going to be alleviation. So you know I could be talking about you know my problems and as a matter of fact I am going to be talking about my problems but what I mean when I say I could be talking about my
problems I mean to say I could be talking about how everything isn't working or how everything isn't going to work or how like you know effectively I could lean into the whole notion of doom and gloom. I could kind of like look at all of the little issues that I've got going
on in my day, the different places that I need to be at the same time in order to prevent something from happening and I could be really focusing on how everything is effectively going to go to hell and there is nothing that I'm going to be able to do about it. As a matter of fact, like when I really think about it, right, like that is essentially like, you know, I don't think that there is going to be any day from this point moving forward and I don't think there has been any day for a while from this day moving back for a long time where
my day hasn't been filled with like problems, situations and kind of like, um, kind of like are moments in which, depending on how I react or depending on how I respond, I may find myself in a very precarious situation, whether financially, emotionally, physically. Life is hard. Life is hard. But I feel like the key takeaway from what I'm trying to describe here is the fact that the moment in which I begin to kind of like attack all of these issues, divide and conquer and become aggressive in kind of
like alleviating these issues then all of a sudden the whole doom and gloom aspect of my kind of that thought process begins to dissipate. Wow like I really need to get a bit better at kind of like you know just saying things a little less formally because I just sounded like some freaking politician.