I'm a fan of always being on the driver seat of a situation for the wrong reasons. I'm not exactly an expert but I genuinely believe that because of my upbringing I've developed myself in a way where I'm afraid to hand my control over what little of it I may have left.
At the same time though is this something that I can be blamed for? Considering the fact that losing control can often lead to circumstances that are very difficult to recover from, being at the driver seat of a situation is something that feels very natural to me so why is that weird?
Okay maybe it's not weird maybe it's problematic because this is often the road that leads down to control freakism and the last thing that anybody wants to be a life really is a control freak. Still though through my journey I’ve identified that this is the best way to be in certain situations and that definitely applies to me building up my brand and building up my business.
I mean I often ask myself can I actually imagine being in a building where there's hundreds if not thousands of people working and no matter what I do every single mistake that that any person may or may not make in that building will ultimately be my fault or something that I have to account for? I can't lie I truly do begin to find the appeal in becoming a control freak in this circumstance definitely.
There will come a point where I will eventually have to relinquish my control, because there is no way that I'm going to be able to do all of this on my own, but until then best believe I'm going to be gripping onto the onto the steering wheel with both my hands at the ready for any twist and turn I will have to negotiate.