Growing up listening to my idols I never had to worry about answering this question, but now because I'm aspiring to become one myself I'm having to wonder whether it’s actually okay or acceptable to be as obsessed and and as passionate as I am about my idol’s music as I am about my own.
You see based on my experience some people already disagree. Some people believe that I should just keep it humble and not be as fanatic as I am about my own music because at the end of the day isn't that just a little bit weird?
Now of course me being who I am I'm a little bit on the fence, but at the same time I have found in my experience that being fanatic and being obsessed about my own music in the same way as I would be obsessed as let's say Eminem's music, I tend to find that being a fanatic about my own stuff is a necessary component for building my own career.
I mean sure the dangers of doing that is becoming a total, complete, and utter narcissist (If I’m not one already), but in all honesty I really do wonder how you will be able to communicate to someone that they have the permission to be excited about your music when you're sitting there twiddling your thumbs feeling awkward about the gift you possess.
Overall if I'm being honest though I think that this question is more of a trick as opposed to it being anything constructive, and the reason why I say that is because if you're looking for permission to do something that you're deeply passionate about, I'm afraid you've already lost your right to be a human being.