Monday the 2nd of September 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be Busy Bee. Yeah because literally right now I'm looking at my, you know, I'm literally looking at my phone right now and I believe I actually have an appointment that is effectively going to be
coming up at 10 minutes past 12 with something that's kind of like a government related. I don't really want to go into too many details but already this morning I've woken up, kind of like had to deal with some personal matters, nothing serious
but it literally took up so much of my time. As a quick update actually, I've actually been able to complete the origin section of my website which fundamentally I guess is like a very big stepping stone for me. I can't believe just how often kind of like procrastination, anxiety, worry and self-sabotage effectively limit something that can effectively be manifested in a fraction of the time that you know, anyone would kind of like deem kind of like a lengthy process, kind of like when
they spend a lot of time worrying about it in their mind. I just kind of like want to mention that as a brief lesson to say that we suffer more in our minds than we do in our bodies than what we actually suffer in real time. Like what we worry about doing isn't actually going to be as bad as it actually is when we're in the process of doing it rather than you know in comparison to kind of like when we're actually doing it. So I'm just basically staring at the completed section of my origin section of the blog. I'm learning more and more and this kind of like makes
me feel pretty, it makes me feel fulfilled, it makes me feel aligned with my purpose, with the goals that I'm effectively trying to accomplish. And I can tell by kind of like looking at the piece right now that my goals are definitely kind of like a lot larger, they're far from simple. They're definitely, I wouldn't say ambitious per se, but they're is like yeah like it's pretty much done but despite that I am kind of like yeah so I'm
gonna need to as soon as I'm kind of like finished recording this reflection I'm gonna need to I think rush outside to effectively jump in my van I need to kind of like get rid of some of the stuff that's in my van kind of like need to buy something from like a warehouse in order to be able to break some of the stuff down. That's kind of like in the back of my van because later this evening I'm going to be heading out, kind of like out of Kent to effectively help a friend kind of like move some stuff, move some studio
equipment. He's kind of like moving studios, he's kind of like, he kind of needs a helping hand with that and my van will be very useful for that job. As I'm doing that, yeah, like I've also got, I've also got a, I believe I've got a, what have I got? I've got a, yeah, I'm also gonna try to document all of this.
I'm trying to kind of like get into the whole vlogging aspect of it and just basically put myself out there so people can see kind of like the behind the scenes and what's going on so people can keep up with my music and also like the sort of stuff that goes on behind the scenes so people can kind of like keep up and it's also like a way of just building relationships
with building a relationship with like fans and stuff like that but yeah definitely busy definitely busy bee and hopefully I'll be able to update you guys tomorrow to let you know kind of like how it went and we shall kind of like reconvene then until next time.