Friday the 20th of September 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be death. Now as bleak as the title may sound like there is kind of like a method to my madness here. There is an attempt to kind of like try to get the best out of like some of the worst situations if
I'm able to effectively speak freely on whatever platform this reflection may end upon. Really and truthfully, ever since I came to know of the concept of death, which I believe in my case was pretty much when I was four years old, when I asked my
mom like you know how big and how great to what extent people grow and what is like the peak limit like you know what happens like you know how big do people get that was actually kind of like how things actually played out I remember just basically like I always used to remember looking up to my parents like you know when I was four years old my parents look like Giants even though in the grand scheme of things they weren't that particularly tall. When you look at things from a mathematical perspective, from a metric perspective or
from a perspective of metrics, like my mum and my dad weren't particularly the tallest human beings on the planet. However, from the perspective of a four year old, they were I remember asking, like, how big do people get? And, well, how old do people get? Like, what's the oldest? Like, you know, how?
And that was at the point at which my mom spoke to me about death. She told me that people die. And I don't know, I feel like the knee-jerk reaction from that response was to effectively, you know, it's almost like the fight, flight, or freeze.
Rather than fly in a way or freezing away I fought against it and my way of fighting against death was to effectively just accept its embrace to accept immediately from that point in my life to accept that these things do happen and I don't know like what is it I'm trying to say here? Like when it comes to death, death is something that informs me, it communicates with me, it lets me know, kind of like, you know, not just the reason why I am alive to a certain extent, but then also it allows me to effectively
understand to a certain extent, like the reason why I am alive, in many facets and in many different forms of contexts, if that's even a word anyway. But effectively, death is something that I find quite comforting. Again, tying into what it was that I've been trying to say or what it was that I said in the previous reflection about becoming a rap artist to effectively come to terms with who I am, come to terms with the deepest and darkest parts of myself like you know death is definitely something that I have not necessarily pursued but it's
something that I have explored, it's something that I have tried to understand for the sake of just basically being at oneness with death because it is such a powerful force, it is such a bewildering force and for whatever reason maybe I come back to that knee jerk reaction that I had the second I learned about embrace I ran towards it and so it's something that has definitely become a pivotal part of me. It's a darkness that I effectively just embrace, live by, swear by almost and it's something that I continue to explore each and every single day. I kind of like work with and live with this concept knowing that this is an inevitability
that is going to reach the hearts of minds of not just many but all of us. And it's hard for me to share because you know most people run in the opposite direction understandably. However, this is just kind of like the way that I guess I find to cope with the notion that one day it's going to happen.