Okay, so Sunday the 15th of December 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be Drunken master. So yeah that right now I'm not gonna last coming up to like half past 2 in the p.m You know, like I said, it's a Sunday afternoon. The Sun is still about to be honest.
It's surprising for You know kind of like the middle of December I suppose but I guess like that's you know, it's it's not unpleasant thing i can't lie and i'm definitely looking forward to being able to freshen myself up as i get ready to go out to work you know what was crazy
was crazy is the fact that right now the way that i'm feeling is almost like i can i don't know how to describe it but it's just like you know like i've come to the realization that i'm at war yeah and you know obviously it's a it's an internal war is an external war
it's not with anybody in particular at all. But it's definitely with the environment that I need to negotiate with and I need to wrestle with sometimes, across time, across space, you know what I'm saying. But then also the things that I need to wrestle with within my own mind. I need to wrestle with my lack of motivation. I need to wrestle with my distractions. I need to wrestle with people and different places where my heart is closely tied into and stuff like that and you know right now it just feels like I've come
to the realization that it is a long term is a long-standing war and in this war there are plenty of battles so many battles that I can't even keep count and whilst I've won many of these freaking battles like so many of these freaking you know battles through my will through my gut through my determination and all of this stuff like you know I've come to the realization that I'm gonna lose plenty of them or I was many of them are just going to be really, really, really close cuts and close calls
where I could have lost but I've won in the end. So right now it just feels like I'm in this, I don't know, not even like a labyrinth where it feels like I'm in a tornado or this kind of like labyrinth or whatever it is where like all of these different things are just basically kind of like trying to hit me and you know like a drunken master I'm just weaving in and out, do you know what I'm saying fam?
It's like you know, it's just a demanding life at the moment, what can I say man? insane man. Fatherhood, partnerhood, artistry, this is just all of the things and stuff like that that I'm effectively having to wrestle with. It's so demanding and it's insane. You know it's been a crazy freaking week but all I want to say is that yeah man, like a drunken master I'm just basically weaving in and out of all of these things and still trying to press forward and keep the standard that I've always wanted to set myself to. trying to press forward and keep the standard that I've always wanted to set myself to. Do you know what I mean?