Sunday the 6th of October 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be Duty to Remember. So I feel like one of the things that I've kind of like realized after kind of like thinking over some of my choices, some of my thoughts and some of my reflections kind of
like in context of like the music journey that I'm doing well and that irrespective of how far ahead some people may be when it comes to kind of
like my growth and my journey and how far behind some people are kind of like in terms of like my journey or their own journey that irrespective of all of that I'm always going to be okay. I have and I probably have been battling for some time with some personal doubts and some personal insecurities when it comes to the execution of everything that I'm doing, particularly my aesthetic. Because I guess it always feels like age isn't really on my side, like music, arguably being a young person's sport, especially rap being a young person's sport, there's
always that fear of being perceived as being too old, being too faded or being too washed. That kind of like lingers over me and you know I have to remind myself that I'm doing well, that I'm doing okay. Of course the things that kind of like pierce through these insecurities a lot more effectively are effectively kind of like kind of like statements that are backed up with action and things that effectively kind of like continue to you know actions that continue to claw forward towards this thing that I'm trying to accomplish. Sometimes I have to remind myself that there's no rush. Yes, like
you know, I must move with excitement and enthusiasm because this isn't exactly like a slow sport. Things do move at a very fast pace in this game, but then I have to remind myself that, you know, there's no need to hesitate and there's no need to rush. I'm myself that, you know, there's no need to hesitate and there's no need to rush. I’m good.