Now Im pretty sure I’ve written about this before, but after recently having watched a video about the dark side of the music industry I’m once again compelled to expand a little more on this subject (In the best way I can).
Im at this point where I want to emphasise not just how easily, but how gratefully an unchecked ego can make you self implode if you’re not aware of its tendencies. I’m still sitting on the fence on this matter because I’m not sure how much of our ego, and just how many people’s ego we may end up having to manage as we continue along this music journey.
Of course I’m fairly certain that the way we will manage our own ego will be different to how we manage others. Realistically we will want to make sure we don’t negatively impact on ourselves as well as other people when we’re concerned with our own ego, whereas with other people’s ego’s we will want to make sure that their actions are not impacting too heavily on us.
Either way the music business is far from a gentle walk along a summery park; everybody is fuelled with fumes of self importance, their tendencies are highly toxic and we will need to protect our own energy in this process of making our dreams happen.