Saturday the 7th of September 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be Everyone's a Big Deal. So kind of like reflecting over my observations of somebody's kind of like journey as an artist. A journey that I guess is made visible through Instagram, through
their performances, through their successes and kind of like the feelings that kind of like coursed through my mind at the time, both through my mind and body, has effectively reminded me that when everybody, or when anybody, puts their mind behind everything
it is that they're trying to do, when they put their heart and soul into it, everyone is effectively a big deal, everyone can be a big deal. I want to be a little bit more specific when I talk about this like you know it's not an easy thing for me to kind of look at other people's journey especially when they're doing well or when seemingly they're doing better than me. Often at times I have to remind myself that jealousy is often a redundant emotion and it's also like a
symptom of the things that I am NOT doing to bring my own dreams to life therefore that is the exact reason why whenever I look at somebody else or I look like somebody else you know I look at somebody else and I see that they are doing well, I begin to feel inadequate or I begin to feel envious of their own success. But the fact of the matter is that they put a lot of heart and a lot of soul and a lot of power behind all of the things that led up to that moment.
And whilst it may seem that it was just handed to them on a silver platter, they did put the work in to kind of like get to that point. Everyone is a big deal, everyone can be a big deal. I also have to remind myself as well that just because somebody else is doing well doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not doing well. There are aspects in my life that I can definitely make improvements in, but there are also places where I am excelling, places where I'm going forward. It just doesn't seem like that from my end as of yet. I am creating a system, I am creating a mode from which I can operate
and continue to effectively kind of like structure my way towards my own success and that's what, you know, that's the main reason why I should kind of like continue to be happy and disregard the point or the journey of anybody else's kind of like success.