There’s so much doomsday talk polluting social media these days that it’s got me thinking about my last breath. Now don’t get me wrong I’m acutely aware that half of the information about the end of the world could be complete nonsense, but since it seems that somebody out there really wants people to believe the world’s end is around the corner, I may as well express a pence or two about how I feel.
In the event of a complete an utter world disaster I actually wonder what I would have to say for myself having listened to all these inherently “Wise creatures” of the realm. There’s a reason why I have decided to take a risk, and pursue that very thing that makes it difficult for my heart to remain beneath my rib cage. Everybody who told me I should have been doing otherwise up until this point was either lying to me, or force feeding me a version of the truth they wanted me to digest.
Right now though I’m dancing to the rhythm of my own thought flow, and I am throwing myself out there irrespective of how foolish I may make myself look. The most valuable thing a human being could ever have is time, and its so funny that many have tried to convince us otherwise. Right now the way I’m aligned I wouldn’t feel so bummed out about the world ending, I did my due diligence to ensure I stayed true to the path I always longed to walk.