Okay, so right now we're looking at Saturday, Saturday the 1st of June 2024. Yes, congratulations to me on making it, almost making it halfway through the year, man. This is the sixth month of the year and yeah, like literally, like I think it's coming up. It's just gone past
10 a.m. in the morning. I've been around the house, you know, just doing the freaking laundry, cleaning up the freaking house, cleaning up after all of the things that were basically left behind yesterday
to make space for a new today. in hate is one of the words as well. I'm not entirely certain that anybody has ever hated on me when it comes to my music career but people have definitely been indifferent and sometimes on the right hand side of where hate is. So basically on the side of the spectrum where you feel negatively towards somebody, that's basically the way I've experienced
a little bit of negativity, borderline indifference. And it used to hurt me because, you know, I don't want to ramble on for too long because I don't really have the greatest amount of time. It used to hurt me because if it was on the flip side, it could be a friend or it could be somebody I've never met before. I always gave people the confidence. Even if what they were doing didn't prove that they were going to achieve what they
said they were going to achieve, even if they were going to be absolutely hopeless or if there were signs they were going to be absolutely hopeless, I would still give them the confidence. to it funny how those same people would then just happily just dish out that doubt and disbelief to other people. And it's just one of the reasons why it used to hurt me. But I thought that the bottom line of this is, before I carry on rambling for too long,
is that, you know, it's not necessarily about what it is that other people have to say about you, it's more about what you have to say about yourself. That's what it's going to boil down to. Always care about your opinion the most because it's your opinion that's going to matter at the end of the day. And sometimes you should treat your own opinion like it's coming from somebody else because that's what's gonna matter and you should listen to that.