Lately I’ve been losing my temper and throwing myself into a rage over the tiniest of things. I don’t even know why nor do I care to address the issue right away. It’s just another thing that will sit on top of a growing pile of problems.
It’s crazy because I thought I left the angry me to rest in peace a long time ago, after I hit my twenties and began to accept the circumstances in which I was born and raised in.
I want to understand why I get so angry, but a part of me knows already that I’m furious because I can see the finished touches of a life nobody else seems to see but me. A life where there’s less work, more money and more time to enjoy that which goes by us too quickly for us to even notice.
It frustrates me that I’m the only one around who notices that the life we’re working for is not our own. Lol the other day I went around my colleagues and asked how many days they’ve worked this week so far. Answers ranged from 4-6, and then I asked them how much money they’ve all got in their bank accounts, only for everyone to come back to me with an answer that didn’t say too far from “Close to zero”. That’s my problem.
I don’t care if there’s a corporate world out there that believes I should get payed pennies for hours of thankless work, but I do care that there’s an alternative way to earn a living and nobody else believes in it but me.
I can see the finish line, I can feel the end result, and when I’m surrounded by people who can’t recognise how pushing for such a goal would benefit everyone, I become a very difficult person to keep calm.