Okay so, right, Saturday the 15th of June 2024 and I got a couple of, I guess I'm in a bit of a mixed mood. Well, maybe I'm not in a mixed mood but I guess I'm like, I mean I'm feeling two ways about, you know, what I want to say. Like a part of me wants to talk about kind of like
gratitude but the other part of me wants to talk about maybe the opposite of that, of gratitude. But maybe it's not the opposite, but it's kind of like more to do with confidence. And I guess maybe I'm going to choose confidence.
I'm going to choose to talk about this particular subject or basically maybe reflect around this theme. And I think the thing that I want to say is that, like, you know, really and truthfully, really and truthfully, like, it doesn't matter. Like, it's just from an inability to just basically see you know, beyond, you know, beyond their, I guess I don't want to say physical depth or physical ability because I don't think that this has got anything to do with like
ability. I think it's got something to do with willingness. And unfortunately, like you know, we all have, you know, we all have a certain degree of time left on this earth and some people don't want to go as far as You want to go to kind of like discover like you know the evolutions that can be accomplished You know in this you know in this lifetime And it's kind of like um and I don't know sometimes it makes me feel like I'm going crazy like when I see things When I see things like in the distance, and I know that there's something great that can be accomplished
Something that hasn't been done before like I really want to go ahead and and try it out and you know sometimes it feels like I'm the person who's maybe seeing things I'm seeing it wrong because most people you know will stop at a certain point and just basically like until I actually come back with that said accomplishment or said achievement like people like wouldn't be willing to kind of follow me to that depth to actually find out you know, how great of a height one can reach or how lovely this whole vision is.