Tuesday the 13th of August 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be Just Right. So in the process of like any creation, any creation that involves creativity anyway, like there is kind of like a long history of foundations, qualities, characteristics, textures, whatever you
may call it, that kind of like create this hidden but then also at the very same time obvious notion of what is right and what is wrong. It's almost like like whenever you're creating something definitely within the creative arts anyway whenever you're creating something because of the long history of things that have been created let's say for example if it's art fine art if it's music if it's dance if it's film if its anything that you create, probably has been done in a certain shape or manner before and through kind of like the habits and through the multiple processes and the multiple times that these
things have been created, there has been sort of like this hidden, almost unwritten rule of what is right and what isn't. Of course, when it comes to art, a lot of things can be subjective and they are subjective anyway. However, at the same time, what I'm trying to say is that there is something that looks right and something that isn't. Because of this process, there is something that sits just right and something that doesn't. I know I'm sounding
a little bit all over the place at the moment but I kind of like started discovering this notion when I started putting things together. So like when I started to work on things like photoshop, when I started editing clips together, when I started making music, when I started like was good or not. And a lot of it effectively came from consuming, like you know, a lot of movies, consuming a lot of video games, like you know, looking through a lot of pictures,
naturally as I would do, kind of like growing up as a kid. And I would then, I'm effectively copying what is already there, you know, to a certain extent, or I'm being inspired by the things that were already there. And when I started noticing certain editing techniques, certain features that I would see in films, whenever I would try to then make my own creation, I would notice how something just doesn't resonate purely on the basis that it's not following these rules and these codes that have been put in place through the foundations that have been set over a long period of time. So in other words, the whole point is that throughout your creative process, you don't necessarily need to know anything, you just need to create.
Keep on creating. Create, create, create. And as you begin to create, as you continue to create, you will begin to notice just naturally where things are supposed to sit, whether something is supposed to be brighter, darker, whether something is supposed to be closer or further away.
And definitely consume a lot more. Yes, of course, it is kind of like cool to break rules and enter new fields and enter new barriers and kind of like challenge some of these kind of like preconceived notions. However, at the same time,
you do wanna begin with consuming and learning how we actually all came about to the conclusion that yes, for example, it is better for an icon to sit on the right hand side of the page instead of the left hand side of the page.