I’m fortunate enough to get the opportunity to speak to new people with each passing month and with each passing month, I get the opportunity to talk about my passion as a rap artist.
There are days where it feels so natural, and my mind rests on very positive spirits on those days because I genuinely feel like I am the person I am selling myself to be.
Usually it comes up in conversation, and eventually I end up sharing my songs, my sites and my social media accounts. Occasionally, I’m having such a good day that our conversations stem from the fact that I get noticed writing stuff down or bopping my head to an imaginary beat.
At the same time though there are days where it’s daunting, and days where talking about my passion feels like a lump in my my throat that I neither want to swallow nor spit out.
Like this one day I was talking to this dude and we casually fell into the conversation of hip hop. I shared a couple of my songs and I was looking forward to his response, but after sitting next to him for the most painful 3 and a half minutes of my life, I knew I was gonna be on the receiving end of some unwanted but necessary feedback.
I went home that day with a very familiar series of thoughts and feelings that made me meditate on the possibility that maybe this dream isint for me. There are thousands of more opinions where his came from and being sensitive to criticism in this game will turn you to food for the buzzards in no time!
Thankfully though, I’ve been on this journey long enough to recognise that both my thoughts and feelings as well as this dudes opinions are nothing but a fleeting moment. One day they’re there and the next they’re not.
I bumped into the same dude the following week and to my surprise, dude actually went out of his way to check out one of my videos on YouTube despite the fact I never told him where he can find my music!
This meant that he not only remembered my artist name, but also searched my name on his own accord to find my channel! It was at that moment I realised how important it is to keep a patient and open mind. Just because someone’s initial opinion about my music might not be all that positive, doesn’t mean that they won’t change their mind in the future, and no matter what anybody thinks I should always give myself the permission to be in love with the art I create.