I’ve got a dog that loves to run around the house and destroy everything I’ve worked hard to build. It sounds insane I know, and believe me I would have loved to have owned this beast in a setting where his Tasmanian antics are a little easier to control, but sadly I’m not the only person in my household who makes decisions sigh
Anywho, the reason why I’m mentioning my pet sized Godzilla is because I’ve never witnessed a dog chasing its own tail up until the moment I got him. It’s the most fascinating thing to observe especially when I used to watch representations of this behaviour on tv always believing that it was some sort of exaggeration.
I remember thinking to myself that this creature is clearly far simpler than I am, as it can somehow amuse itself by doing something as ridiculous as chasing its own tail. I genuinely believed this until I found myself comparing some of my posts in one channel, to the posts of another…yikes.
For some reason, despite the fact that I’m the creator of both these channels, I somehow want one to be better than the other…is this strange? I guess it’s a bit of a rhetorical question really.
It’s for that reason therefore that I’m kicking the habit of constantly comparing myself. It’s a notion that after dealing with it for many years has become extremely ridiculous over time. It doesn’t even make sense.
I’m hoping I can learn to enjoy my creations for what they are rather than what they’re not, or what they’re meant to be. They say comparison is the thief of joy and I have no doubt in my mind that whomever came up with that expression was really not kidding anyone. It’s simply not worth it.