My dad said something unexpected to me a few days ago, and it made I must admit it made me feel pretty good about myself hearing it come from him.
He told me he actually read the lyrics from one of my songs, I didn’t ask but I wish he told me which one. He told me that because I communicate more for my generation as opposed to his, he wasn’t really able to understand the full idea of what I was trying to say, but he could recognise that there’s a philosophical essence to the message that I’m trying to put across.
He told me he could recognise that I was trying to communicate a philosophical message to my generation, and the fact that he went out of his way to figure that out meant the world to me.
It’s funny thinking about it because there’s a lot more to what I do than just trying to turn a few heads with some hit songs. There’s a complex meaning behind everything that I do to the point even I struggle to make sense of it myself, and I dunno I guess to hear this coming from my dad who struggles to get it gave me a great abundance of resolve.
Time’s ticking by and even though there’s still three days left to the Cypher event I still don’t have a lot of time to put some material together. I’ve made the tiniest bit of progress but I’m gonna have to sit down tomorrow and really put something solid together.
The truth is though there’s just so many things that I need to keep on top of. Sometimes I just don’t know how I do it. Now normally I’d be feeling a little glum that I didn’t do everything that I wanted to in the time I’ve given myself, but I’ve had a good day today and I’m happy to have seen the sun go down so quickly now that autumn is here. Autumn and winter have always been my favorite seasons.
The one thing that’s keeping my smile on my face is knowing that despite this feeling that I could have done better today, I know at the very least that by 6pm today my daily reflection will get published, and that reassured me that I’m doing something to progress forward no matter how slow.