Okay, so Saturday the 14th of December 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be Might Be Wrong. There is something that I've recently, I guess, stumbled upon or an experience that has reminded me to a certain extent that, you know, it's something that
effectively I have a reason to fear. Like I have a reason to fear this something that I'm about to express or this thing that I'm about to talk about and I think it's just effectively the inability to recognize that in many instances, more instances that I like to admit I might be wrong and it's not you know like again I iterate it's not particularly fun but it's a necessary process that I personally think it's very important especially kind of like for the sake you know for the sake of my career and the quality of my relationships, both professional and informal.
It's important for that to, it's effectively important for me to just have, not necessarily a system in place, but almost like to have the right mindset. Because if I don't, then it puts me in a position where I could effectively and quite dangerously also put myself in a position where my inability to recognize where I make
mistakes or my inability to recognize where there are certain areas that I have to be accountable for creates this very uncomfortable unwritten and almost metaphorical stink that kind of like starts to echo across like you know you know massive waves and waves of like different networks and different pools of organizations and people that I just effectively connect with on a daily basis just in general life. Like, you know, it's a scary thing to think that I might be wrong,
but it's more scary to think that there might be instances where I might be, you know, where I think I'm, you know, I'm right about things that clearly I'm not right about so effectively like, you know, that's it. Like, you know, sometimes I might be wrong.