Monday the 18th of November 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be momentum. I guess what it is that I'm trying to say that it is important to have a clear goal in sight. It can be a little bit frustrating at times when we're effectively kind of like executing
tasks day in and day out particularly kind of like in the realm of kind of like trying to become a creative music artist or a content creator or influencer. You know, it can be very frustrating when we're effectively creating aimlessly with no clear goal
in sight because we begin to get frustrated at things. We begin to question and doubt whether we are making any progress and it can be pretty frustrating I suppose also to effectively kind of like create without a clear goal in sight, an inspiring goal in sight with that being said. So I was sort of like again spending my morning and briefly just like looking trying to get a better understanding of my demographics whatever they may be no matter how small they may be but then also specifically kind of like for the most part looking at the kind of like analytics when it comes to kind of like my reach and what it is that my posts
are doing like you know this is kind of like needless to be said but like you know in the last year I believe I've posted at least 365 times to to effectively say the least and you know I have to effectively ask myself you know why am I doing this there is a certain degree of joy that I get out of it, but it's not the ultimate thing that I wanted to kind of like get out of this. I wanted to maybe get like a clear goal in sight. And, you know, I suppose I had some
sort of objective when I first started this, like, you know, I had a bit of a frustration and there was something that I wasn't happy with. But, you know, I was able to finally kind of like pinpoint it or effectively remind myself to a certain extent that I'm doing this because I want to be seen, I'm doing this because I want, you know, Made Easy, like you know, and Diary of a Rap Dragon to be visible in people's eyes, because as soon as I can make it visible in people's eyes, it's a thought that is effectively kind of like, not necessarily being imprinted,
but it's a thought that effectively exists in kind of like people's minds, even if it is just for a fleeting moment or multiple times in a given day or a week per se. So with everything that I've been doing, I've been looking at my analytics lately and I've been seeing that over the last month, I'm sure I've mentioned this before in the past, that my overall content, the pieces of content that I've posted have been effectively seen you know up to 4 000 times just over 4 000 times i want to divide the day i found out that um you know my content were on average in a day in the last 30 days was being
seen about 141 times that means you know diary of a rapt dragon or made easy whatever that may be um that would have been seen like or you know somebody would have seen and thought of, or somebody would have read the Diary of a Rap Dragon and would have seen the content. So, I'm now a little bit happier and a bit clearer with my goals and I want to effectively
kind of like continue and build the momentum, but that momentum would have never kind of like, sort of like built, that momentum wouldn't have been growing, it wouldn't be where it is now if I didn't have that clear goal in sight.