All right cool, so it's a Wednesday afternoon The Sun is out although. I have to admit. I'm in the shade. It's It's cold the Sun is quite deceitful like it's giving the impression that Things are warming up a little bit, but I don't think that the winter is done with me just yet and it's kind of cold and I'm trying to keep it together whilst I'm recording this because I've snuck away from
work, and I do need to find my way back at some point but for now I'm just enjoying the scenery trying to get as much vitamin D as possible albeit in this country you're not gonna get a lot of
vitamin D. Yeah so like thinking a little bit about my state of mind you know after everything that I've experienced yesterday I feel a lot better. It's funny how that statement that always comes to mind during moments like yesterday just seemed to kind of like dig me out of trouble from time to time. I think the statement goes something along the lines of we suffer more in our minds than we do in reality. And maybe sometimes like what we need is either a break some time away, a good six to eight hours sleep, or just maybe a meal in our belly to just basically remind ourselves that anything beyond the present moment whilst it might seem threatening is really not that threatening at all and with time things will slowly begin to sort themselves out. At the same time
though I must admit that in the grander scheme of things yesterday has taught me that you can never be too prepared. You can never over plan for something. Especially definitely in the music industry, but then also in one's personal life. This is why I find it somewhat self-destructive when I think about some of the lifestyles that some well-known and well-renowned musicians live. the whole infinite cycle of kind of like you know late nights, early mornings and you know drinking, abusing drugs, abusing people you know kind of like in a in a sense that I guess I'm trying to be very PG about at the moment. Like it's funny how like you know the whole the whole
essence of being like you know a global superstar or a well-renowned superstar revolves around this idea of damaging oneself in the process like you know abusing drugs, abusing alcohol like it's very important to keep ourselves grounded it's very important to just make sure that we look after our personal health, mental health, physical health, all the health you could probably think of. It's just interesting because you know things will go wrong like things like that you don't expect to go wrong will go wrong and even the things that you expect to go wrong will go wrong also alongside the things that you don't expect to go wrong it's really interesting so with that being said it's just important to look after ourselves
definitely to enjoy our lives but never to live our lives assuming that everything's gonna you know be a smooth sail things will go wrong and things will catch us off guard. And at that point, we have to rely on ourselves, our sanity, most importantly, and our health to be able to bounce back from whatever setbacks or circumstances we may get hit with. It's a beautiful day and I'm feeling pretty good. I'd like to carry on in this mode. And I'm hoping that the week pans out exactly how I hope it to be, man. You know, it's good to be assumptive in the sense that it's good to assume that everything's going to go your way and you know that is possible, it's something that is possible alongside you know maintaining the reality that there are
going to be some hurdles along the way, some unexpected hurdles. So yeah, this is me for now. Until next time.