I used to feel confident about the twists and turns I will eventually negotiate along my journey towards superstardom. After watching enough material from films to tv shows, video games and documentaries, I genuinely thought I had mapped out what my future will look and feel like both in my mind as well as reality.
The truth on the other hand it seems, is that I’ve been living under a rock for a considerable amount of time. Whilst everybody including myself has been engrossed in the relentless activity of the internet, the outside world has continued to spin around me, and my oh my has the world proven to have so much more to offer.
My last two performances, one which took place at the Mole Hole Pub in Gravesend , and the other at the Fourth Portal in Gravesend also, have proven to me that the world isint still just because the internet has taken over all of our attention. Life is still happening out there, history still exists, and it’s very much alive.
Travelling less than half an hour away from where I live to a town I’ve never taken the opportunity to explore, I’ve realised that as much as I thought I knew, I really know nothing at all.
There are communities of people I’ve never met before who engage in activities I never even knew existed. Cultures that reignite the fashions that flourished across these lands centuries before I was even born.
Being a rap artist massively influenced by Hip
Hop, urban London culture amongst other things, I felt like an outsider who was gifted with an insight into what really goes on within smaller more intimate communities when the internet isint pointing a live camera at their face.
There’s so much more to pop culture, so many more places and people to see, stories to hear and songs to be sung that I’m baffled at myself for not taking the opportunity to experience these things sooner.
Translating my art to a form that fits the setting of the places I’ve most recently visited has powered me with energy that I genuinely believe has been gifted by the spirits and towns of old, and for that I am very grateful.