Letters & Birthday Wishes
I wished one of my closest friends a happy birthday today, he's probably still recovering from his hangover as I type this post, completely aware of his compadre's misdemeanours! I also got to writing a reply to a letter from an old friend of mine (yes I still write letters in 2022...sue me), and that part of my day was a little deep. I promise to open up about that aspect of my day at a later date, because right now I'm still in the process of putting things together, and that storyline definitely requires a solid structure!
You see, the more I think of it the more I realise that Diary of a Rap Dragon will inevitably explore some of my brightest as well as darkest moments, and that leads me nicely into the way I'm currently feeling, which really hasn't changed much since yesterday (No surprise!). Anxious is the word, still about so many things. One thing in particular that comes to mind is my proclivity (Why couldn't you just say tendency Mr. Big Words?) to procrastinate.
Habits & Worries
Honestly I couldn't tell you how easy it is for me to run away from my problems, bury myself deep in the landscapes of my Playstation 4, and pretend as though I haven't got a job to do. I worry I'm not working fast enough, or consistently enough to reach my goals (Whatever they may be), and that is perhaps the very key part of my issue. I should be able to at the very least, hold the capacity to reassure myself that I'm making progress in the right direction, in the most timely manner. This is where it becomes clear to me that my targets do require some refinement, otherwise I wouldn't need to panic if I knew I was directly on track. It's simple, keep calm when you're doing well, begin to panic if you're not doing well (lol makes sense right?), so now the question is how do I know I'm doing well?
The issue with launching a blog to kickstart (sort of) ones rap career, and operate a university project that will aid to the awareness of a current social issue is the emergence of two separate targets. I guess I'm just a little concerned that I'll be able to do both properly without the quality of one affecting the quality of the other (sigh). I won't bore you with anymore details on this because believe me I could go on forever!
More Birthdays & Taking Action
Apart from that I bought a birthday present for my due to be sisters in law. They made me work damn hard to think of what to get them because it's apparently a tough deal to think of what you want for your birthday in amidst your war with your GCSEs! T'was a walk in the park for me to be honest; next to my burning copy of Anthology I wrote my mum a list of XBOX 360 games I wished to play on my special day. Further to my bank account massacre however, I grabbed a green screen kit and a bunch of builders lights to create the content that will featuring on this blog sooner than you think! In the best impression your mind can make of Marcus from Bad Boys ii "This s@!t just got real!".
Reading this back I think I'll sit down tomorrow and draw out a start and ending point to establish exactly what I need to do and by when. That way I can reassure myself that I know what I'm doing! Anywho that's me for now guys, signing of is your future favourite Rap artist.
Wishing you all the best,
Made Eze.