Saturday the 12th of October 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be seeing it all. Now I want to try and be very clear about the message that I'm effectively trying to deliver today but I feel like
it's kind of like inspired by you know a couple of moments that I've taken from this week to reflect just over the things that I've seen, kind of like when it comes to the path of a music artist. I've had the privilege to be close to a bunch of people that have effectively tried to achieve the very same thing that I'm trying to achieve
today, the thing that I'm still trying to achieve today. And it's kind of like giving me a lot of meat on the bone, it's giving me a lot of experience that I've been able to gain from their own experiences. And it's always kind of like, not necessarily led me to question, but I guess it's led me to wonder,
like what it is that it takes to effectively kind of like become a successful music artist. I mean, first and foremost, you must know that which it is that you want. That is very, very important. And I feel like so many people get this part
wrong because they don't know what it is that they actually want. You know, they very much like myself grew up as kids kind of like seeing somebody really successful on the TV and they wanted to become them. Over the blink of an eye, kind of like overnight, they just wanted that overnight success. Because when that act or that successful person is represented on the TV and they seem as though they have it all. You know, all of the countless hours that have been put into that reality, that's not showcased. What we see, what we continue to see even today, although it's kind of like
different for anybody who isn't a kid or anybody who isn't growing up in this new world, you know, what we continue to see is effectively this allure or this idea that you know this success can be obtained overnight. And if there's anything that I've seen is that it's definitely not an overnight success and it's definitely not a waiting game per se. What do I mean when I say it's not a waiting game per se?
What I mean when I say it's not a waiting game per se? That is me to say that it's not just a situation where we just sit down and wait for that success to be handed to us. We definitely must be patient. We must definitely allocate an appropriate degree of time to allow a certain successful point to take place. However, what I'm also saying is that this isn't a situation where we effectively sit down and wait for something to happen. We make the thing happen. We are the happen. We don't necessarily impose, but we manifest our own dreams by effectively becoming our actions and becoming our own
success points or our own points of success So yeah, like, you know, it's it's fascinating to see how like, you know back then like I said, like, you know the the culture and the whole kind of like atmosphere and the whole You know the the ways of kind of like going about things has changed over the years I've seen somebody effectively try to become a successful music artist at the time when the internet barely existed the
I've areas that I guess I've lived through, I've grown through, I've experienced through and I guess to a certain extent I've built some sort of music career through as well. And you know, like I just cannot help but feel that, you know, throughout this entire journey, throughout this entire process I've picked up on something that as obvious as it is, for some reason in the eyes and in the ears of most people still trying to obtain that same thing that many people were trying to obtain like you know
decades ago I've picked up on things as obvious as they are for some reason they just often go amiss like you know like I cannot stress like how how important it is to just effectively have the right mindset
have the right mindset towards this thing like you will not get far thinking that all you need to do is just effectively post one freaking song and then just basically wait for the magic to happen there's a lot more that goes behind that I have always felt a little bit odd and a little bit weird for kind of like trying to have these conversations but then at the same time you know it's different like you know when you start off as you know a kid all
you want is popularity and fame like you want people to just basically shake your hand and basically say you're cool at what you do, like you're very good at what you do. But then as you grow older and as you get a little bit wiser, the realization, the demand starts to set in and now we effectively have to act within the kind of parameters of what is expected of us, to be an adult, to be a provider, to be a caregiver, to be able to sustain oneself and to be able to sustain a family. It's no longer enough to effectively live within the ideal realm, within the idea that
something is basically going to happen overnight through minimum effort, when really and truthfully we have to just constantly challenge ourselves and think about means and ways in which we can effectively build a success from that which we love doing very, very much.