Okay cool so today is Tuesday the 1st of October 2024. I'm actually sat outside the superstore but I'll need to move from here, kind of like very quickly because I'm gonna have to go to an appointment kind of like starting in about less than half an hour and I think that if I
stay here for too long I might actually get myself a fine. But if I haven't mentioned it already the title of today's reflection is going to be show up and like honestly the funny thing is is like I'm feeling not
necessarily strange I'm just feeling different because seeming as it is the first of October it means that some of the stuff that I've scheduled to be released today mainly kind of like the first episode to kind of like my vlog so you know I'm kind of like starting a vlog called diary of a rap dragon on YouTube the episode I feel like it's called the end of an era and it's effectively a vlog about me helping my friend kind of shut his studio down.
I'm supposed to be on a normal circumstances I'd be excited I'd be thrilled but then at the same time like what's happened is because I've kind of like been around this block a couple of times I know not to expect too much from releasing kind of like a one minute or you know a 30 second reel you know because like in the beginning again like it's just about accepting that you know people are not going to be as fanatic and as excited about the sort of like you know you know the stuff that
i'm putting out um however at the same time this is going to be an effort to a certain extent to effectively showcase a multi-dimensional avenue to sort of like not just kind of like who i am but it's effectively like my music and what it is that i try to make music about so hopefully this behind the scenes stuff works out well. But again, I feel like the whole point, the whole point I'm trying to tease from today's reflection
is to effectively show up for everything, really and truthfully show up for everything that is necessary. Even the stuff that isn't necessary, kind of like continue to show up, because this world isn't gonna move itself
like you are gonna have to move. The world that you want isn't gonna move itself. It's not gonna manifest itself. You kind of have to, there are some things that you have to put in place like this is this isn't a contactless port like you kind of like
do have to get your hands dirty a little bit. I kind of like embrace the hard work that comes with it. At the moment my life is so chaotic it's literally kind of like I don't want to say it's unimaginable but it feels like it's so difficult to kind of like get a hold of an hour or two just to be able to focus on you know a single task. I've got a verse that hopefully I'm going to get recorded by the end of today and some other things that are just really just taking up a lot of my mind, my time and
my attention, even my peace I guess at this point. But one of the things that I will say is that effectively just show up, just show up to every occasion. When it comes to this stuff I'm not necessarily excited about it because I know that for now like you know it's not going to get the greatest amount of traction people aren't really going to care people aren't really going to people aren't really going to take it in but my work has to be the level that it's at now I have to go through this phase now so that I can
actually get to the place where I want to which is effectively having thousands of monthly listeners having thousands of supporters having my name kind of like having some sort of relevance somewhere so yeah I'm sure for the work even when it's kind of like uneventful, even when there's no celebrations to be had and there's no fireworks to be displayed.