Along with learning how to be honest with myself about where I could use some help I also need to be honest about how far my time and skills will get me before I need to upgrade my time and my resources. Right now I’m strolling to keep afloat because my music business tasks are piling more now than ever and I’m simply not able to keep up.
One of the habits I seem to be forming (Which isn’t good by the way) is that I’m allowing things to pile up until I’m left with a mountain that I’ve managed to structure out of the world’s tiniest mole hill. Sometimes I allow this to happen within some understandable reason because a task comes up that needs my immediate attention and what I hoped to accomplish ends up getting piled up closer to the end of the week.
Other times I find myself giving myself some time off simply to cope with the fact that I’m having to balance so many roles, so many characters and so many responsibilities at the same time. These are the kinds of situations that are not beginning to make me think about how Ill slowly but surely need to train the money I have available to get some of my time back.
It’s frustrating to think that I wouldn’t give a PS5 a second thought despite how brutally expensive it is, but at the same time I would flinch at the mere hint of subscribing to a tool / service like Motion that could optimise my schedule for me. I’m gonna look into it and hopefully write down a plan for how I can begin to invest both my time and money back into myself.