There’s this scene from Pirates Of The Caribbean: At Worlds End where the captain of this massive fleet I can’t remember casually strolls down to the stairs of his ship as the entire bloody thing is being blown to smithereens.
I’m reminded of that scene now that I’m trying to type my reflection away whilst the job I’m meant to be focused on at work is turning into a complete nightmare to deal with. Now don’t get me wrong I do care about my job, but sadly my routine requires me to be in two places at f**king once.
Anyway *breathe* so I went out yesterday to grab a microphone so I can rehearse my lyrics for this Sunday and went out to grab a jumper so that I can try this idea I had in mind to represent my brand.
I tried to make a vlog of it and it didn’t turn out too bad but I sat there questioning how real people do this half the time without running themselves into a major accident.
Today I did my absolute best to write a single 16 but as always my head was all over the place with all the things I have to do and now I'm basically running a little behind.
Just got a text from my wife telling me the scarf I ordered a couple of days ago as well still hasn’t turned up and now I can feel my brain cooking inside my freaking skull.
I can’t expect things to go picture perfect all the time so I’m just gonna have to adapt to the change of circumstances. That’s how the day goes.