I've been meaning to start a blog for a while now (jheez Chris so did everybody else and their precious mums!), but how long for I'm not sure. It's hard to tell at this point because I've gone through so many stages where my intentions were to conjure one up, but each time there was always a different reason motivating me to build one so...I dunno I struggle to unravel myself back to the exact moment where I thought "Ah! It would be a great idea to start a blog about this!"
I guess writing a blog has ALWAYS been at the back of my mind, and yet the challenge has always remained to narrow down to a specific reason or purpose for writing one in the first place. Bebo in 2007 & 8 was when I punched my first ever blog (That was for fun and giggles, feeding the FOMO monster and struggling to fit in). The 2nd, 3rd & 4th were all for the intents and purposes of education (lol) you know, showing my parents and teachers that I was a studiously hard working little boy.
There was a point between all that however, where the lightbulb couldnt have been any brighter (It would have shattered all over my afro and face otherwise). There was this friend on facebook who started posting blogs about her travelling experience in between terms at uni, and suddenly this ball of excitement bubbled up in my stomach "I should start a blog about my journey as a rap artist!" This was circa 2015 so yeah (lol) 200 odd words and three paragraphs later I have my answer (That wasnt so hard was it?). I guess I was wrong.
Yeah so there you have it! I want to start a blog because I want to document my journey as a rap artist, make it valuable and available to you as the audience (fans hopefully), but for some reason as I continue to type my reasonings feel a whole lot deeper...maybe this is why I struggle. Between 2015 and now whilst my motivations have not changed, I feel as though I've developed this burning desire to express some of my deeply repressed thoughts and experiences, so in a way I'm not surprised to interview myself to find that I have called this blog Diary of a Rap Dragon. More on this at a later date though, I gotta show you what I've been up to!
Piecing my way through it with image & colour.
For those of you who don't know, in the last few months of 2020 leading into the early weeks of 2021, my friend and I formed a rap duo called Cally x Eze (Google it, I dare you lol). In the beginning of this process I expressed myself visually through colour and image to visualise my feelings into a look that continues to inspire me till today! Have a look...
Marvellous! Right? Okay maybe yes maybe no but whatever! Point being is that over the last few days I've been going through a similar process to piece together the look of this blog that you cant get enough of (ahem...just kidding!). At the moment there's still more work to be done in the technical department and it's safe to say it's killing me slowly, but slow and steady I continue to forge! Lemme show you the pieces I've put together...
Bam! Spectacular isint it? Not too bad if I dont say so myself...but yeah this is where I am with everything so far and whilst anxiety is punching me to death in the corner of some dusty boxing ring - about where in the seven hells I need to go next with this - I can say I'm pretty grateful to have made it this far.
Lingering thoughts
I'm aiming to keep this brief because I'm starving and I'm in a desperate need for a shower...but yeah this stuff I'm doing, whilst it's not easy it feels better than where I was before with it all: stuck inside my painful head and mind. My state of confusion has gone down a little bit now that I have punched in the body of my first post, but Im still concerned about so much. If I could boil it down to two things I'd say I'm worried about rolling out my campaign in time for the end of June, and forging an academic project that makes sense not just to my audience, but to my tutors and assessors also. I kinda forgot to mention that I'm also using this blog to roll out my first ever single release, which will be the foundation for a project I'm currently grappling with at university. Oh the joy of joys...
Anyways, signing off now is your favourite author and future favourite rap artist!
Yours faithfully,
Made Eze.