The other day I had a conversation about invisibility. In context I had a conversation about how easy it is to feel invisible in a world so distracted by seemingly trivial and superficial commodities.
I found it hard to attach myself to the rawness of such a conversation for reasons that I’m trying to unfold as I draft this reflection. The truth is I’m struggling to unpack these reasons because It seems as though I’ve long been used to being invisible, and as a result I struggle to empathise with the struggle to get noticed when one feels the need to. I’ve become so numb to it.
After a long period of growth from child to adulthood I’ve learned through my own perception that the world we have created for ourselves forces everybody to wear a mask. It’s for this reason why many of us will struggle to get noticed. The true and pure form of who we are simply can’t fit within the standards that we’ve set for ourselves and so…we simply hide away from them.
Yes I guess to a significant extent we filter out the deeper crap that people around us are going through, but at the same time as individuals we also choose to hide ourselves up until the point in which we become invisible.
For me I must confess though that the cracks are beginning to show on this mask that I’ve been wearing on a full time basis. I’ve created this kind, positive and charming personality that allows me to weave from social space to social space seemingly unnoticed, but the truth is that I’m often anything but, and I can feel my raw form bubbling to the surface beyond my ability to tame it.
I should be worried but for some reason I’m pretty chilled out about it, everybody has to crack at some point, and quite frankly I’m consoles by the fact that I’m not the only person whose true colours are beginning to seep through.