Tuesday the 17th of September 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be the meaning of success. So I had a pretty good time kind of like getting the opportunity to travel out to London to again reacquaint myself with the environment that I grew up in or part of the
environment that I grew up in but also to connect with a bunch of like-minded individuals all of whom are all trying to pursue effectively like the same goal or the same dream as me. We all have a creative bone in our body and we all aspire
to become something from our creative nature. But one of the most interesting, I guess, interactions that effectively came of this event was the minute where I began to ask what success means or what does it mean to become successful as an artist. And it was very interesting how within 20 seconds the answer was effectively revealed. Already one person before they gave their contribution mentioned how success is subjective. But what also became even more evident was how effectively success is very personal to each individual. For one person it may mean, especially being
in the context that I'm referring to anyway. It means kind of like getting your music playing on the radio, perhaps walking by, walking down the road one day and then just maybe like a car zooming right by you and then you like, you know, your music is effectively being heard from that vehicle. For somebody else, it might be effectively like, you know, being able to sign a record deal, being able to sign for one single, being able to get a £10,000 advance and then being able to use that money to effectively invest into that song and making sure that it becomes
an intellectual property that continues to pay you for the rest of your life and beyond. For me in particular, it's about building a community, having like, you know, a very close-knit community of 100 people who are just as obsessed as I am with my art and my creativity so that I can share my work with them and they can, to a certain degree, become my ambassadors and then as a, not necessarily as a cult, but as a community with a very strong interest in the subject matters that I deal with, we can begin to kind of like build an influence
kind of like in the internet space to effectively like, you know, kind of like build a certain degree of respect from the things that I do and the things that they effectively communicate about when it comes to my own brand. Success is definitely kind of subjective, success is definitely very personal and finally what I would want to say is that success, because success is very personal to each individual. I also strongly believe that this paints a very different picture of how that success is to be obtained. If somebody wants to become successful by getting the music heard on the radio, there's a strategy for that. If somebody wants to get a single
record deal, then there's a strategy for that. If somebody wants to build a community, then there's a strategy for that also. All three strategies are very different. And with that being said, this is what has also led me to believe that not everybody will have to do what everybody is constantly told and that is post relentlessly on social media or go out and perform at open mics, depending on what it is that you want out of your music career. That will effectively tailor and that will paint an idea of what it is that you're supposed to do to
obtain that goal. Ultimately you just want to be happy, you want to be joyful, you want to be kind of like a basking in the fruits of your passion and you want to enjoy what it is that you do. That for me ultimately is my definition of success.