Thursday the 14th of November 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be the Phantom Shadow. So like it's really weird at the moment because I seem to be faced by so much, like so many different challenges that are effectively cornering me into a place where,
albeit I'm not feeling particularly concerned or particularly terrified about at the moment. Although I'm not feeling particularly terrified at the moment, I still find myself almost in complete and total disbelief by
the fact that I seem to be surrounded by so many challenges. I'm calm about it, but at the same time, what's weird is the fact that there is a clear point of exit, if that makes sense. Not necessarily running away from the issues but actually just tackling everything from a strategic point of view to the point in which I can kill many birds with a small but heavy and precise and very critical stone. So with all of that being said, the reason why I call this reflection the Phantom Shadow is because all of a sudden I find myself kind of like being hit by a massive
wave of imposter syndrome because you know for many many years, for years like I've kind of like yearned for this kind of like relief from you know being in a position where there is nothing I can do about something that clearly brings a lot of people pain and in turn brings me pain because I pain with them if that makes sense and here I am almost hesitating at the opportunity to effectively kind of like bring a lot of peace, prosperity, hope and just joy on the faces of so many who have yearned those kind of like expressions and those feelings for so long.
But yeah, here I am, just about to kind of like get ready for the day and hopefully I'm going to see if I can kind of like shake the cobwebs off, shake the doubts off and just basically do what is right as opposed to doing what is easy.