Monday the 25th of November 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be this is Sparta and indeed it is Sparta really and truthfully kind of like trying to adopt this sort of like Spartan mentality this soldier mentality you know to kind of like keep on pushing forward as
opposed to kind of like being pushed against I don't really have a great deal of history or knowledge when it comes to kind of like you know the sort of like interrelationships that
kind of like small communities would have had in comparison to kind of like bigger communities when it came to the days of old. What is it that I'm talking about? Like you know like you know I feel like the whole story around 300 was effectively a story or a narrative about how 300 soldiers effectively kind of like you know went up against like you know again unspeakable kind of like immeasurable kind of like number of
armies. Something which is like very very difficult to imagine like it is very scary and it's interesting how this seems to be kind of like some references to stories that maybe took place at some you know somewhere in you know I want to say Eastern Europe like like my knowledge of it again like I said is very scarce but it's also kind of like other places that I've heard of sort of like not in the Eastern Europe but other places in the world where like you know small communities or small armies small
nations effectively taken on you know mammoth nation so you know so to speak and I'm saying all of this to effectively kind of like try to make reference to that mentality and adopting that spearhead mentality and effectively spearing through against like all of the challenges in a given day like you know I feel that today is going to be like one of those days where effectively I have to spear through all of these tasks in order for me to kind
of like get headway unfortunately I'm in a position where my life has gone more demanding and with that more demand I have to again meet twice the amount of supply To be able to get some sort of like, you know hold on You know kind of like the negotiations that I'm having to make between like, you know The demands that I mean being made and the things that I'm able to provide It's insane like unfortunately like, you know
The life that we've decided to with that we've adopted to live is a kill or be killed type of lifestyle It's a win or lose type of lifestyle. Never really anything about balance, never really anything about kind of like you know synchronicity, it's more about taking away from the other and adding more to the self. And it's interesting but nevertheless like you know I've got a spearhead through it until I find a better way to kind of like be attuned with life itself.