Okay, cool. So, Saturday the 29th of June 2024 and you know my song Rapping is a I think like I think I think if I'm not mistaken like it's been a week since I've released that song and it's now currently sitting at 280 views on YouTube. I was kind of like looking at some numbers
earlier and I was trying to kind of like see you know I was kind of like looking at the analytics to see where a bunch, where most or majority of those views are actually coming from.And I think if I'm not mistaken, a lot of these are actually coming from YouTube recommendations.
So far 164 views are coming from recommendations, 34 from channel pages, 21 from other YouTube features, direct or unknown is 16 views and other is 38. So I don't think that um youtubers recommended this song to like anybody else so far because I mean that number then you know that it's been sitting at 164 cents but the other number is still growing so that means that gives me reason to believe that the conversations that I've been having with people the you know the people that I've been sending
my music to like you know the people that have been you know asking to like like and comment to just support my journey I feel like that is kind of like slightly kind of like um not necessarily contributed to the majority of views, but it's kind of like helping me out and It kind of like I don't know It's kind of like really interesting to look at these numbers because it kind of like keeps my sanity in check because often at times I wonder how the hell do I actually get my music out there, how do I get myself heard, is there a way I can do
this without necessarily having to dig deep into my pockets and you know this is evidence that this works. Mind you of course like you know 38 views is a measly number of course we all wish for our songs to kind of like get millions of views but if I'm being sincere like these are 38 actual people and you know actual genuine people that have gone out to check my song and actually give it a listen and hopefully if I can continue in this trend like if I can
just you know climb day by day sending my music to somebody new day by day then you know it will only be a matter of time before this song gets to a thousand views and for me personally as a personal target that's okay for me considering that I'm still very early in my journey.