Okay, Tuesday the 3rd of September 2024 and the title of today's reflection is going to be where the wind blows. So right now I'm just basically sat outside the new spot, a new spot where I'm going to be making a little bit of money, you know, kind of like doing my usual
thing, doing casual deliveries and stuff like that. It's a new opportunity, I guess. It's kind of like a new venture so to speak like you know it's not something that I haven't done before but it's a new place and it kind of like reminds me of the type of lifestyle that I'm going to be living kind of like as I begin to kind of spread my wings a little bit on when it comes to just basically making a name for myself as a rap artist kind of like performing from place to place networking from event to event talking
to different people on a daily basis it seems as though like you know with the life of being an artist, no day is the same, like every time there is always something new, unexpected twists and turns, meanders in my journey, things that I never thought I was going to do but I'm actually doing. So this is what basically reminds me of that, this is what I have to do. You know, there's a lot of like, I guess I would say
marketing gurus, there's a lot of people that effectively nowadays on the internet that just basically inform us, they tell us that, you know, artists, you know, the artists that we know and love at some point were in this position as well.
Just because we kind of like pop up and they're just effectively like there one day, seeming as though like they have it all seeming as though they have everything figured out. There was a point in which they had to go through the struggle. It's just something that wasn't really documented that effectively if that makes any sense at all. So yeah, that will be it from me. I'm kind of looking forward to the next entry. Peace.